Let us answer your questions

Here are some popular questions that are ask frequently. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate and contact us.

Prices start at $150 for 20 minutes to 30 minutes for one male dancer OR female dancers for any local events and varies depending  on the location of your event and travelling distance. This is always a group rate and can be paid altogether for a cheap price per person.

SPECIAL OFFER: For two exotic dancers, please contact us for further details.

Prices may vary. Taxes included in all rates.

Of course! You can always choose which costume the dancer will wear. 
Additional costs can be required for the purchase of the new suit.

Our team of professional male and female strippers have been practicing the exotic dance for several years. You will get a hot and exciting evening with us!

You can touch the dancers when they invite you. Any contact with the privates are prohibited, except when the stripper invites you to do so.

Tipping isn’t mandatory, but it will be much appreciated as most male strippers earn their income this way and it’s a great way to show your appreciation of their efforts.

  • Our entertainers are strictly there for entertainment purposes only. We do not provide any escort or message services.
  • We always try to provide the entertainer you booked but sometimes events outside of our control occur and an available replacement is sent instead.

Yes there are some that will and we can let you know which ones are available upon booking.

Yes they are available depending on which entertainer is chosen best to inquire if special themes are needed. Note also that we do not book one on one shows..

  • Most will but it is best to ask upon booking, of course this is 18+ business and children should not be at the shows.

You got any more questions?

07 79 67 54 47

If our FAQ didn’t answer all your questions, please send us a message and we will be happy to provide you the information you’re seeking as soon as possible.

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